Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) Game Activity


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Legend of the Red Dragon Yesterday's Game News for lord.stabs.org

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The Daily Happenings....
Despair covers the land - more bloody remains have been found today.
Sandman has beaten Olodrin!
Serthest has been killed by Bran The Warrior!
"I am SO mad I could slice you in two!," Serthest screams.
LeeDungarees has killed Sandman!
"You have NO right to that, LeeDungarees!," Sandman whines.
LeeDungarees has killed JCIsMyHomie!
LeeDungarees sticks JCIsMyHomie's head on a stick for all to see.
Defending Champ got laid by Laethus!
Defending Champ has beaten Barak!
Defending Champ has killed Zeno!
"Oh fine...Just destroy my life please!," Zeno says tearfully.
Defending Champ has killed Jungbeef!
"My goodness. I do believe I'm dead." Jungbeef realizes.
MischiefTMaker has killed Bucks Man!
"And don't you EVER come 'round here again!," MischiefTMaker warns.
LeeDungarees has killed MischiefTMaker!
"Ack! What a jealous person you've become, LeeDungarees!,
MischiefTMaker cries.
Runny Nose has been killed by Cyclops Warrior!
"Try that again! I'll decapitate you!," Runny Nose challenges.
Blecchh! has beaten Sandtiger!
Laethus got laid by Defending Champ!
Laethus has been killed by Mutated Black Widow!
"How the hell did you do that?!," Laethus shouts.
Wotan has killed Defending Champ!
"Oh man..I should've stayed in bed today...," moans Defending Champ.
Wotan has beaten Olodrin!

Players online playing LORD now: 1 - See realtime View of Who is Playing Now, today's Game Activity or check out the Historical Winners Log

Current system time: Thursday, 06-Feb-2025 20:15:08 PST