Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) Game Activity


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Legend of the Red Dragon Yesterday's Game News for lord.stabs.org

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The Daily Happenings....
The land is in chaos today. Will the abductions ever stop?
Colleen Collector has killed Sir Ralphalot!
Colleen Collector sticks Sir Ralphalot's head on a stick for all to see.
Colleen Collector has beaten Olodrin!
Colleen Collector has beaten Sandtiger!
Runny Nose has killed Colleen Collector in self defence!
"Geez! I don't believe this! Last time I attack you, Runny Nose!,"
Colleen Collector lements.
Sandman has killed Runny Nose!
"I wasn't ready!," Runny Nose screams.
Sandman has killed Smokey!
"You have NO right to that, Sandman!," Smokey whines.
Sandman has killed Flippy!
"I hope the ivy grows around your rotting body, Flippy,"
laughs Sandman.
Spirit has been killed by Earth Shaker!
"How the hell did you do that?!," Spirit shouts.
Sir Ralphalot has beaten Sandtiger!
Sir Ralphalot walks out of the forest acting chipper!
Sir Ralphalot walks out of the forest acting chipper!
ecuPIRATE has beaten Gandalf!
ecuPIRATE has killed Sandman!
"Oh don't get a big head, ecuPIRATE! You suck!," taunts Sandman.
ecuPIRATE has beaten Turgon!
She has become the Ultimate Warrior!

The Red Dragon has killed ecuPIRATE!
Brewers king has beaten Barak!
Smokey Put In A Hard Days Work!
Smokey has beaten Prince Caspian!
Smokey has beaten Gandalf!
Runny Nose has killed Sir Ralphalot!
"GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, I'M GOOD!," cries Runny Nose in delight.
Runny Nose has killed Zeno!
"How dare you presume to strike ME, Runny Nose,"
Zeno screams.
Runny Nose C`aught A Sea Lion Today!
Blecchh! has been killed by Ernest Brown!
"You have not seen the last of me, Ernest Brown!," Blecchh! threatens.
Flippy has been killed by ShadowStormWarrior!
ShadowStormWarrior carefully burys Flippy.

Players online playing LORD now: 0 - See realtime View of Who is Playing Now, today's Game Activity or check out the Historical Winners Log

Current system time: Friday, 26-Jul-2024 20:55:15 PDT