Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) Game Activity


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Legend of the Red Dragon Yesterday's Game News for lord.stabs.org

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The Daily Happenings....
The land is in chaos today. Will the abductions ever stop?
Eegah has killed king gampo!
"Beware, DRAGON! For you are next," Eegah promises.
Eegah has beaten Olodrin!
Eegah has killed Ronin!
Ronin cries bitterly. "I thought you were my friend!"
Eegah has beaten Sandtiger!
Sandman has beaten Sparhawk!
Sandman has killed Blue!
"I wasn't ready!," Blue screams.
AngelOfTheMorning got laid by Honey Badger!
The Red Dragon has killed AngelOfTheMorning!
Infected has beaten Olodrin!
Infected has killed Eegah!
"You have NO right to that, Infected!," Eegah whines.
Infected has killed Sandman!
"Defeat me, will ya? I have friends in this world!," squeals Sandman.
Likens has killed Infected in self defence!
"Geez! I don't believe this! Last time I attack you, Likens!,"
Infected lements.
Devttys0 has beaten Barak!
ECUpirate05 has killed Likens!
"Oh don't get a big head, ECUpirate05! You suck!," taunts Likens.
Kimmy has killed ECUpirate05 in self defence!
"Um..Kimmy old pal...Since when were you stronger then me?,"
ECUpirate05 inquires.
Ronin has killed Devttys0!
"GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, I'M GOOD!," cries Ronin in delight.
Ronin has beaten Olodrin!
Ronin walks out of the forest acting chipper!
Sultan Sluggo has killed Kimmy!
"YESSS! My luck has finally changed!," Sultan Sluggo yells.
Sultan Sluggo has beaten Gandalf!
Sultan Sluggo has beaten Turgon!
He has become the Ultimate Warrior!

The Red Dragon has killed Sultan Sluggo!
Sir Ralphalot walks out of the forest acting chipper!
The Red Dragon has killed Brewers King!
Buy Bitcoin has killed Honey Badger!
"Oh my God! I'm covered in blood!," gasps Honey Badger.
Buy Bitcoin has beaten Aladdin!
Buy Bitcoin got laid by Seth Able!
Kimmy has killed Buy Bitcoin in self defence!
"LIFE IS *NOT* FAIR!," yowls Buy Bitcoin in agony.
Runny Nose has killed Smokey!
"My goodness. I do believe I'm dead." Smokey realizes.
Runny Nose has been killed by Mutated Black Widow!
Runny Nose's entrails are littering the forest.
Dark Warrior has killed Kimmy!
"This means WAR!," Kimmy shouts savagely.
Spirit has killed Sir Ralphalot!
"How dare you presume to strike ME, Spirit,"
Sir Ralphalot screams.
Spirit has beaten Sandtiger!
Spirit has killed Ronin!
Spirit laughs.
Spirit has killed Magnus!
"Ack! What a jealous person you've become, Spirit!,
Magnus cries.
Buy Bitcoin got seriously snubbed by Flippy!
Flippy Got laid by Violet!
Flippy has been killed by Gorma The Leper!
"I'LL BE BACK!," swears Flippy.

Players online playing LORD now: 0 - See realtime View of Who is Playing Now, today's Game Activity or check out the Historical Winners Log

Current system time: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 00:21:56 PDT