Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) Game Activity


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Legend of the Red Dragon Yesterday's Game News for lord.stabs.org

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The Daily Happenings....
The town is in grief. Several children didn't come home today.
Violet and Blecchh! didn't appear to get much sleep
last night. The town is mystified.
The Red Dragon has killed Regifted Fruitcake!
ECUpirate05 has killed Sandman!
"Yeow! My sword is hot today!," ECUpirate05 states.
Infected has killed ECUpirate05!
"Oh man..I should've stayed in bed today...," moans ECUpirate05.
Brewers King has beaten Olodrin!
Brewers King has killed Blecchh!!
"Brewers King can do it, ha ha." laughs Brewers King.
Blecchh! has killed Brewers King!
"The only reason you won was because I wasn't feeling well!," whines
Brewers King.
Blecchh! has beaten Olodrin!
Sir Ralphalot walks out of the forest acting chipper!
Infected has killed Blecchh!!
Infected kicks Blecchh! one more time for good measure.
Smokey has beaten Aragorn!
Smokey has beaten Olodrin!
Infected has killed Smokey in self defence!
"LIFE IS *NOT* FAIR!," yowls Smokey in agony.
Dark Warrior has killed Ados!
"GREAT BALLS OF FIRE, I'M GOOD!," cries Dark Warrior in delight.
Dark Warrior has beaten Prince Caspian!
Dark Warrior has killed Sir Ralphalot!
"Defeat me, will ya? I have friends in this world!," squeals Sir Ralphalot.
Flippy has been killed by Mutated Black Widow!
"Try that again! I'll decapitate you!," Flippy challenges.

Players online playing LORD now: 0 - See realtime View of Who is Playing Now, today's Game Activity or check out the Historical Winners Log

Current system time: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 07:12:22 PDT