Legend of the Red Dragon (LORD) Game and Player Statistics


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Legend of the Red Dragon Game / Player Statistics

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    Name                    Experience    Level    Mastered    Status
  D Dark Warrior            107,751,838    10        D M T     Dead
  M Infected                 66,338,652    7             T     Dead
  T ECUpirate05              54,739,899    11          M T     Dead
  T Flippy                   44,242,536    12          M       Alive
F T Regifted Fruitcake       40,958,413    12        D M T     Dead
  T Sir Ralphalot            16,542,315    11          M       Dead
  D Ados                     10,875,681    12                  Dead
  T Sandman                     246,697    8         D M T     Dead
  T Blecchh!                     27,550    5             T     Alive
  T Spirit                       23,717    6             T     Dead
  M Brewers King                 16,813    6           M T     Dead
  D Smokey                       13,546    6           M T     Dead
  T Runny Nose                    1,563    2                   Alive
  T Zeno                            725    2                   Alive
  M Galphner                        223    2                   Dead

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Current system time: Saturday, 27-Jul-2024 00:08:26 PDT